Reaching a broader audience
During our research we quickly found out that for many of the issues that our participant described, a solution already exists. But he either didn’t know about it, or didn’t want to use it for various reasons.
This sparked our interest and led us to delve deeper into it.
The issue
Why don't people already use the solutions available?
Solution exists
They don't know about it
It's not tailored towards their specific needs
It's not empowering
It's too expensive
Marketed toward different target group
Solution does not exist
It truly doesn't exist
Not commerciably viable
After coming to this conclusion we got the idea of creating a hub that connects makers to disabled people to let together solve their problems. But luckily, this already exists. This resulted in us coming into contact with Sabine Wildevuur and FysiekFabriek.
Sabine wildevuur
Sabine Wildevuur is the director of the DesignLab at the University of Twente. She also setup Waag society and is involved with the initiative Which a comm
Existing initiatives
Implementations for our product
Product manual
Because our final prototype is not done yet. We don't yet have a full manual. But once the prototype is done, a manual will created for, which is what the initiative uses for sharing designs.
In this manual, we will provide a material list and a construction manual with sketches and pictures of the process. We will also note the reader of possibilities to deviate from our design to tailor the product more towards their exact specifications.