Requirements for our prototype
Based on the chosen concept and our design challenge, a list of requirements was made:
The glove should improve the mobility of the hand, focusing on the gripping of objects;
The glove should improve the dexterity of the hand, focusing on small controlled finger movements;
The glove should not obstruct the hand, finger or wrist mobility;
The glove should have a simple mechanism, which allows for an open-source and DIY adaptability for the broader community;
The glove’s usability should be self-explanatory;
The glove’s mechanism should be adjustable;
The glove should be comfortable;
The glove should not have any sharp edges;
The glove should be breathable;
The glove should be long-lasting;
The glove should be adjusted to every-day use;
The glove should be easily repairable;
The glove should be usable in outside and inside environments, meaning it should be water and grease resistant;
The glove should be washable.
How it works
Each finger is pulled back by an elastic band which is attached onto the strap of the glove. This pulls the users fingers back to a somewhat straight position, aiding their grip and fine motor controls
Prototype 1
Velcro mechanism

Basic mechanism principle works.
Simple assembly and construction.
Fingertips of gloves pulled back from elastics.
The back end of the glove was pulled up by the elastics.
Elastic bands slip off the side of the fingers.
The Velcro straps had a chance to come off when making a fist
The glove is not breathable and quite warm, because it is a closed glove made of wool.
The first prototype was made to quickly test the mechanism of the chosen concept. The glove was made by sewing elastic bands to the top of the fingertips and sewing Velcro strips at the end of the elastics. These Velcro strips would stick onto the wool glove. When these elastic bands were pulled and stuck onto the glove, it would apply tension onto the fingers. This tension helped with opening the fingers and made grabbing objects more controlled. Which confirmed that our mechanism was working and tackling our participant’s problems.
Our new requirements
The glove should be fixed in place
The gloves mechanism should be sturdy and kept in place.
The glove should maintain the tactile feedback and control of a normal hand.
Prototype 2
Finger capped glove

This prototype was focused on the fingertip, the Velcro strap attachment and the gripping problem. With this prototype, instead of stitching the elastic band on top of the finger, a hood around the finger was created. For the Velcro strap attachment a Velcro strip was added on top of the glove. For increasing the gripping, a glove with rough gripping texture in the inside was chosen.
When testing this prototype ourselves, we noticed that the Velcro strip worked really well, and the elastic bands were no longer coming off. The gripping was also easier, because of the rough gripping texture. But the finger hood did not really help with the fingertip pulling as it was attached around the finger but not on top.
The new updated Velcro strips work very well
Rough texture on the inside of the glove for gripping
The finger hood still meant the glove was pulled by the elastics
Missing tactile feedback texture
Our new requirements
The glove should contain a Velcro strip to keep the elastic bands attached to the glove
The glove should contain gripping texture inside the glove for increased gripping abilities
The pulling back of the fingertips needs to be solved in another way
The creeping up problem of the glove still needs to be solved
The elastic band slipping problem still needs to be solved
Prototype 3
Finger beanie glove

This prototype focused on improving the finger hood and solving the elastic band slipping. It made use of a larger cap on top of the fingertips and around the last 2 phalanges, which was fully stitched onto the glove.
When testing this prototype we noticed that the beanie helped the elastic band slipping problem and kept the tension on the fingers.
Tension on fingers is kept relatively constant
The glove is not pulled awkwardly at the fingers
The finger hood still meant the glove was pulled by the elastics
Missing tactile feedback texture
Glove was not secure at the wrist
Our new requirements
The glove should contain a Velcro strip to keep the elastic bands attached to the glove
The glove should contain gripping texture inside the glove for increased gripping abilities
The pulling back of the fingertips and the elastic band slipping problem can be solved with the use of the beanie mechanism
The creeping up problem of the glove still needs to be solved
Prototype 4
3D printed finger glove

When testing this prototype ourselves, we noticed that the 3D printed fingertips were not comfortable and also hard to adjust to the right size. On the other hand it did increase the tactile feedback while grabbing, since the 3D printer fingertips had an open side. As for the elastic band slipping problem, it was completely solved by the channels.When halving the elastic bands’ width, their tension strength decreased, which resulted in the need to pull the elastic bands further back to create the same amount of tension as with full width elastics. The glove material was very pleasant, since it was breathable and stretchable. The tight fit model of the glove reduced the creeping up of the glove, but could cut off the blood circulation at certain points.
Breathable and stretchy glove material
The tighter material of the glove reduced some material shifting issues
This prototype explored another solution for the pulling fingertips, creeping up and elastic band slipping problem. Here we removed the fingers of the glove and replaced them with 3D printed fingertips, which were modeled to size in Solid Works. For the elastic band slipping several fabric channels on top of the gloves fingers were created. For decreasing the bulkiness and messiness of the elastic bands they were halved in size and sewn into channels along the fingers. The glove material was also more breathable and stretchable, the model also included silicon gripping texture and was a tighter fit.
3D printed parts are uncomfortable on finger tips
Glove is quite hard to put on since it is so tight
Our new requirements
The glove should contain a Velcro strip to keep the elastic bands sicked to the glove
The glove should contain gripping silicon inside the glove for increased gripping abilities
The pulling back of the fingertips should be solved in another way, since the 3D printed fingertips are not comfortable and easy to use solution
The exposure of the fingertips increases the tactile feedback and gripping abilities while wearing the glove
The elastic band slipping problem can be solved with the use channels of fabric on top
The elastic bands tension should not be
drastically reduced, when reducing the width of the elastics
The creeping up problem is partly solved by use a tight fitted glove, but this could cut off the blood circulation at certain points
Prototype 5
the fingerless glove

This prototype focused on all the problems at once: the gripping, pulling fingertips, elastic band slipping and creeping up problem. This glove model was finger-less and palm less, to increase the gripping abilities and breath ability of the hand. To keep the glove in place when tension was applied a wristband was used. For this model three different versions of elastic bands were included in one glove. All the elastic bands were attached in a new way to the hand using a ring separate from the glove which could be slipped onto a finger. This would divide the tension strength of the elastic bands over the whole circumference of the finger, instead of just the fingertip. To test if channels were still needed to keep the elastic bands in place, one elastic didn’t have any. The difference between the two channeled elastics was the width, one was reduced to half the original width and the other to â…” of the original width.
While testing the prototype ourselves, we noticed that it was the most comfortable to use and put on out of all the prototypes. Since it was really breathable and was of stretchy material. The open palm was pleasant thanks to credibility and also increased tactile feedback and grip. The mechanism worked best with the channels and the â…” width elastic provided enough tension.
Breathable and stretchy glove material.
Open palm provides a good amount of tactile feedback.
Wrist strap stops slipping and fabric movement
The finger loops stop the finger less glove from slipping
Still a glove with issues such as dirt and wear.
Our final requirements
The glove should be finger less and palm less, this increases the tactile feedback and gripping abilities
The glove should contain a Velcro strip to keep the elastic bands attached to the glove
The glove should contain gripping silicon inside the glove for increased gripping abilities
The material of the glove should be breathable and stretchable to create optimal comfort
The elastic bands should be attached to the finger using a ring of elastics, to prevent pulling on the glove
The elastic bands should be held in place, by sewing fabric channels on top each finger
The elastic bands should be cut to â…” of the original width to reduce the bulkiness and messiness of the mechanism, but still maintaining the needed amount of tensional strength
The glove should contain a wristband, to reduce the creeping up of the glove while applying tension
Prototype testing
The prototype testing focused on both physical and cognitive aspects of the prototype-user interaction. Physically, we wanted to examine the effect of the glove on the participant’s hand strength, dexterity and fine motor control. Cognitively, we wanted to identify design aspects which would make the design more intuitive to use and more likely to be used by the participant in the long run.
Due to the current SarsCov2 pandemic, we were unable to properly test the prototype with the participant. Instead, we had an online meeting with the participant and mailed him the prototypes. This section outlines both the hypothetical ideal prototype testing protocol, which would have been carried out under normal circumstances, as well as the pandemic safe final protocol.
Hypothetical testing
This test would make use of a grip force tracking system made by Gregorij Kurillo, which is commonly used for the assessment of rehabilitation of hand function (Kurillo, 2005). This system includes two grip-measuring devices of a cylindrical and horizontal shape respectively, which both have a force sensitive load cell. This load cell can track the forces applied to it and send it to a connected computer. This computer analyses the data and visualizes it in a life action graph. In this graph, 2 dots with trails are presented, one in blue and other in red. The blue one indicates the target signal a participant is trying to track. The red one indicates the force signal created by the participant’s force onto the grip-measuring device.
The more force is applied onto the grip-measuring device, the more the red dot will move upwards. And when the force is released the red dot moves downwards. The aim of the activity is to let the participant track the blue dot as accurately as possible, by decreasing or increasing the force onto the grip-measuring device. This test would be performed both with and without the glove to see if the participant shows any improvement in controlling his hand strength. The results of the activity would be rated by the error distance between the target signal and the participants’ force signal for each test. Lastly, the participant would be asked for his opinion on the glove mechanism and what difficulties were experienced.

Dexterity and fine motor skills
To test the change in the dexterity and fine motor skills of the patient’s hand, a test would be performed where the participant would be asked to sort small colour coded objects into their respective containers. Examples of such objects include: M&M’s, beads or small Lego blocks. The test would have around 20 of these objects inside one box and 3 empty boxes labelled with a certain colour. The time it taken for the participant to successfully sort all the objects by colour would be taken for both tests with and without the glove. The number of times the participant drops an object would also be recorded and lead to a 5 second addition (per object) to the final time. The results of glove and no glove tests would be compared and the participant would be asked to share opinions, observations and difficulties experienced during the tests.
These 3 tests (with and without the glove) would be conducted again after 2 months of daily use of the glove by the participant. And the results short term and long term results would be compared, to examine the long term effects of the glove and reveal if the glove improved the hand mobility. Additionally, the participant would be asked to describe his experience with daily usage of the glove. Finally, the participant would also be asked to rate the glove on its usability (with sub categories: effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction), value and desirability.
Maximum hand strength
For this test the maximum hand strength with and without the glove would be analysed, using the same grip-measuring devices as in the strength control activity. However, this time, the participants task is simplified to squeezing the device as hard as possible. The resulting maximum recorded forces with and without the glove would then be compared and the participant would be asked to indicate any notable difference he might have experienced between the two.
Prototyping phase
For the actual testing all the prototypes were sent to the participant, so he could test all the different glove materials and mechanisms, first in his own time and then with us during a meeting. During the meeting the participant was first asked to put on each glove in front of the camera while we made observations and timed each glove. We observed that putting the gloves on is very hard for the participant. The finger less and palm less glove, prototype 5, was the easiest and quickest to put on with the participant stating “here you could see where the finger would go” in reference to the opening on the palm. When the glove was put on the material was also judged by the participant, he mentioned he preferred the stretchy, breathable material of prototype 4. The participant also criticized that some gloves materials and sizes were a bit too tight around his hand and were slightly cutting off blood circulation in his hand.
After the model of the gloves were judged, the mechanism was put to the test by asking the participant to pick up nearby objects. He picked up a computer mouse, Labello stick and dice and moved them to another spot. To test his fine motor skills the participant was also asked to roll the dice to a random number in his hand, an exercise he had mentioned as part of his rehabilitation. During these activities, the participant mentioned that he felt the tension on the fingers which helped with controlling the gripping and the opening of the hand. He said the opening of the hand felt more automatic, whereas before he had to consciously open his hand. In conclusion, he felt like he had more control over his hand and that grabbing was more firm with the glove on.
As for the difference between the tension mechanisms of prototypes, the participant mentioned that the finger less glove prototype is the most pleasant when grabbing. He preferred to keep the tactile feedback of the fingers, and therefore not to cover them up with fabric or 3D printed caps. He did however also like the extra grip given by the silicon gripping tips in prototype 4 as an alternative if necessary. He also mentioned that with the prototypes without the wristband he felt the fabric creeping up, which gave an unpleasant feeling.
From the preferences of the participant, observations during the meeting and the previous personal tested conclusion, we concluded some additional requirements for the final prototype:
The glove should be finger less and palm less, this increases the tactile feedback, gripping abilities, breath-ability and putting on comfort
The glove should contain a Velcro strip on the bottom of the glove, for attaching the elastic bands to the glove at certain tensions
The glove should contain gripping silicon inside the glove for increased gripping abilities
The glove should contain a wristband, to reduce the creeping up of the glove while applying tension
The elastic bands should be attached to the finger using a ring of elastics, to prevent pulling on the glove
The elastic bands should be held in place, by sewing fabric channels on top each phalange
The elastic bands should be cut to â…” of the original width to reduce the bulkiness and messiness of the mechanism, but still maintaining the needed amount of tension strength
The material of the glove should be soft, breathable and stretchy
The glove should be of the size XL
Final prototype
Coming soon...
Floris, Personal Communication, 2021